PolarRES Collaborates with CRiceS for Joint Session at EGU 2023: A Synergistic Approach to Climate Research
22 May 2023
As a project dedicated to studying the Arctic and Antarctic regions, PolarRES understands
the importance of collaboration to better understand the impact of climate change on the
Earth’s environment. That’s why we are proud to have had an informal meeting with our
sister project, CRiceS, at EGU 2023.
Although PolarRES and CRiceS have different overall objectives, they share a common goal:
to improve our ability to anticipate changes in the polar climate system through an
improved understanding of the polar processes. By collaborating with CRiceS, we can
leverage the scientific advances from each project to gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the impact of climate change on the Earth.
For instance, PolarRES combines its expertise on atmospheric and oceanic processes with
sea-ice expertise from CRiceS to better understand the interactions between sea-ice, the
ocean, and the atmosphere. By bringing together this expertise, we can better understand
the relationship between sea ice and the global climate and make more accurate predictions
about the future climate of the polar regions.

Our researchers getting to know each other at EGU23
Our meeting at EGU 2023 was an excellent opportunity to showcase the benefits of this
collaboration and find new opportunities to work together and with other research projects.
We look forward to sharing our research findings and hope to inspire others to work
together for a better future.
We are proud to collaborate with CRiceS and believe that our joint session at EGU 2023
demonstrated the importance of collaboration in climate research. By leveraging each
other’s expertise and data, we can make a more significant contribution.
Curious about CRiceS work? You can see what they have been doing by following
@CRiceS_H2020 on Twitter and visiting crices-h2020.eu.