NORCE Norwegian Research Centre is one of Norway’s largest independent research institutes, and has 800 employees, 1,500 projects, an annual turnover of NOK 1 billion, and some 500 scientific publications per year. NORCE is a new and forward- looking research institute, that delivers research and innovation in climate, energy, healthcare, the environment, social science and technology. NORCE is a partner in the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, the Norwegian Climate Service Centre and the FRAM – High North Research Centre for Climate and the Environment. Polar climate research at NORCE is particularly strong in climate dynamics across multiple spatial and temporal scales, dynamical modelling of the climate system and understanding past future climate variability and change. The department has extensive experience leading large national and international projects in these areas (e.g. H2020 projects TiPACCs and PolarRES, ERC synergy grant ice2ice, the Norwegian Earth System Modelling (NorESM) Infrastructure project, and the Ocean Thematic Centre of the ICOS ERIC) and is also involved in a number of ESA Earth Observation projects. Drawing on expertise in a wide range of fields, and of a high calibre, NORCE is uniquely equipped to deliver new knowledge and innovative solutions to emerging societal challenges – regionally, nationally and globally.