National Antarctic Scientific Center is a State Institution of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. NASC is a leading national organization conducting polar research and provides opportunities for collaboration to other research institutions. The center brings together experts in all fields of polar research. Among them are both experienced polar explorers with many years of work in Antarctica, and young scientists armed with new methods. Atmospheric research NASC performs together with scientists from the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute.
NASC actively participates in professional meetings and conferences of the international Antarctic community, organizes geological, geophysical, hydrometeorological, oceanological, seismological, geospace, biological, medical and physiological and other research at the station, surrounding islands, marine test sites, and also forms databases for monitoring of environmental parameters. In the hydrometeorology field it is involved in monitoring programs carried out under WMO standards.
Along with the scientific activities, the Center conducts educational work, familiarizing schoolchildren, students, the general public with the influence of atmospheric processes in the Earth’s polar regions on the general state of the environment, environmental conservation measures to preserve the resources of the planet and unique life forms.